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Image of a Child

For our image of a child, we focused on the curiosity found in children. Furthermore, we focused on their desire to explore and deepen their knowledge by observing, investigating and asking questions which should be supported both inside and outside of the classroom. 

Click below to see our image of the child reflection.

I have chosen to include my image of a child on my website as I believe in the importance of viewing the child as capable. Furthermore, I believe that curiosity is the basis of learning and will allow students to deepen their understandings. Through observation, children will develop questions and wonderings they have about the world around them, which overall pushes children to want to learn new things. This image of a child has impacted how I will teach my future students as I will aim to foster curious students by providing activities where they can do so. I will encourage students to ask questions as well as guide them throughout lessons and activities. 

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"The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see." - Anonymous 

My Kindergarten Unit Plan 

Animal Habitats 

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Annotated Bibliography 
This annotated bibliography includes a variety of books that target different genres based on animal habitats. There is a picture book, a book on diversity, an information book, and a book that focuses on language development. I have included this on my website as this demonstrates my ability to pick age-appropriate books and books that target different developmental skills for kindergarten students. These books will further benefit students learning and understanding of the topic of animal habitats.
Click here to see my annotated bibliography. 
Activity Plan

This activity plan is an example of an activity that I would include in my lesson on animal habitats. This activity consists of the development of vocabulary and the development of matching an animal to its habitat. I have included this on my website as this demonstrates my ability to create an engaging activity that helps students develop their skills and understandings of a lesson. 

Click here to see my activity plan. 
Lesson Plan

This lesson plan demonstrates a science lesson where they will discover 4 different animal habitats. They will develop their vocabulary skills as well as their understandings on the 4 habitats. I have included this on my website as this demonstrates my ability to plan a lesson and take my future students abilities into consideration. 

Click here to see my learning plan. 
Learning Center
This arts/construction learning center displays three activities that will engage students while developing their art and construction skills. I have chosen to include this on my website as this demonstrates my ability to create various activities for a learning center. 
Click here to see my learning center.
Universal Backward Design
This unit plan targets various subject areas and includes multiple activities that I would include in my lesson on animal habitats. I have chosen to include this on my website as this demonstrates my ability to target different subject areas allowing for the development of multiple domain areas. This unit plan also shows my ability to target different types of learners and students. 
Click here to see my UBD. 

Early Chilhood Resources

I have chosen to include this resource in my website, which is an important topic to teach children. This video uses child-friendly terms and discusses the importance of consent and respecting our bodies as it is our own. This video also discusses that although we are all different, it is always important to ask for consent before doing something with someone else. 
Consent Video For Kids 
I have included this platform on my website as it provides teachers with different ways to integrate creative play in the classroom. Furthermore, this website provides various challenges that we can implement within our classrooms, including STEAM with maker space activities. Furthermore, it provides teachers with the necessary tools needed as well as, how each activity works. 
LEARN Resource 
All I Really Need to Know Poem
I have chosen to include this poem in my resources as it demonstrates the importance of the lessons we as teachers will teach in kindergarten. As a future teacher, it is important to understand the role we play in our student's lives and help them develop as human beings. Therefore, we must remember that all the important life lessons stem from our kindergarten classrooms. 
Welcome to Holland Poem
I have chosen to incorporate this poem in my website as this poem discusses the subject of a child with disabilities. As future teachers, our classrooms will be filled with different types of children and it is important to welcome and celebrate this diversity. Although we may have certain things planned, it might not turn out that way and it is important to be able to adapt to these changes and differences. 
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